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GMW3362 M-Point introduce

Time:2023-05-18 22:30:51 Source:未知 Click:

GMW3362 M Point Thread comes from MAThread®. MAThread® and MATpoint® are patented thread designs, which may be utilized on any externally threaded screw, bolt, or other threaded product. Detail define the 5 key features below, Dog Point,Radius Point,Point Length,MFTH Lf and Maximum Overall Length Mmax. The M Point thread length, U, is a reference dimension used for calculation purposes.The profile of all lead threads shall not exceed maximum material condition boundaries of the standard thread.At least one (1) complete turn (360 degrees) of the first two (2) threads shall be smoothly and uniformly curved for its entire profile with no localized scallops, fissures, under-fill, flats or other discontinuities permitted at the crest of the thread. A thread specific GO screw ring gauge shall pass freely over first four (4) threads after coating.

I,Dog Point. The dog point length, Z3, is a minimum length for the dog point cylinder. The length of the dog point cylinder shall be measured from the point on the lead thread where the lead thread approximates 0.20x the thread pitch in height (measured from the thread root) to the point on the cylinder where the end radius is tangent. The diameter of the dog point cylinder, Dx, shall be larger than Dx minimum when measured at the tangent point. Dog point cylinder diameter Dx shall be held for entire dog point length Z3 with no taper allowed.

II,Radius Point, The radius point length, Z5, is a minimum length for the point beyond the dog point. The radius of this point, R, is a reference dimension only, and its shape may not be a true radius. The end of the point shall be reasonably square with the thread axis, and the edge may be irregular. The tip diameter, Dy, is a maximum for the radius point.

III,Point Length. The overall point length, Z4, is a maximum length. It represents the sum of the dog point length and the radius point length.

IV,Minimum Full Thread Length Lf. The minimum full thread length, Lf, is measured from the bearing surface or datum surface to a point where the last full thread is equal to the major diameter minimum tolerance limit. The minimum full thread can be derived by calculation or specified depending on the fastener requirements

V,Maximum Overall Length. The maximum overall (built-in) length, Mmax, is the sum of the maximum nominal length (maximum) and the maximum overall point length (Z4 maximum). It is the maximum distance from the bearing surface to the end of the fastener, (Mmax).

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